On Saturday June 15,2024 New Haven Sketchers (part of newhavenarts.org) and Save the Sound brought a group of 21 artists to QRSP to sketch and learn about the Quinnipiac and Banton St. I briefed them on river history and pollution control efforts, as well as the story of the abandoned Banton St. neighborhood. Then they went out for 90 minutes to explore, find a spot and sketch.
The artists returned and set their drawings on the ground, each one explaining their work and techniques. See photos. Since I'm still wearing a cast, I stayed at the entrance but my spouse, Marty Waters, did his best to hack through the Japanese knotweed along river's edge for them. There is a tree down on the paved, abandoned road, my son Martin reports.
The artists liked the event and the interesting area. They will visit 4 more sites along the river later this year.
Mary Mushinsky
Join us on National Trails Day Sat. June 1 @ 9am at the Chapman- Sinoway Park Trail.
See You at Earth Day Display Sat April 20 North Haven Rec Center 10 am-1:30 pm
Join us for the beautiful Annual Marsh Marigold Walk Sat. April 27, 2024 9 a.m. on the renewed Banton St Trail-Quinnipiac River State Park
Join our Monthly Meeting- now on the third MONDAY of the month-@ 7 pm -North Haven Rec Center, Linsley St.
Bird Walk with Ornithologist Mark Aronson 5/13/23
A spring bird walk sponsored by the North Haven Trail Association will be held on Saturday, May 13, 9 am at the Tidal Marsh Trail in North Haven (located behind Target). Mark Aronson, an experienced birder of the New Haven Bird Club will lead the group and visit the sights and sounds of the marsh. An easy walk with great views of the marsh and Sleeping Giant to the north. Birders of all levels and families are welcome. Bring binoculars. No registration is required. Rain date is May 20. For more information contact northhaventrails.org.
The North Haven Trail Association celebrates National Trails Day on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at the Chapman-Sinoway Park and Pond on Upper State Street. A new 1 mile trail has been blazed at the park by NHTA members. The park consists of approximately 9 acres of woodland and stream, pond for fishing and picnic tables. National Trails Day is 30 years old and is celebrated across the nation to connect peoples of all ages and abilities to experience trails in their communities.
The NHTA also maintains the Tidal Marsh Trail (behind Target) and Banton Quinnipiac Trail in the Quinnipiac River State Park on Upper State Street. For more information contact northhaventrails.org.

NHTA members Bryant Munson, Steve Fontana & Hugh Davis
The North Haven Trail Association sponsored the annual “MARSH MARIGOLD WALK" on the Banton Quinnipiac Trail in the Quinnipiac River State Park on Saturday, April 15, 2023. Officially known as Lesser Celandine, acres of these tiny yellow flowers bloom along the Quinnipiac River. Mary Mushinsky, a State Representative, local Wallingford leader and Biologist headed the walk. We reviewed the of history of this abandoned neighborhood while passing along the remnants of foundations, driveways that go to nowhere, fences and flowers that once were planted at the homesites.
Abandoned in 1973 due to the rising river waters and recurrent flooding, the State then created the Quinnipiac River State Park.
Family members of the neighborhood shared their stories.
Birdwalk with Dr. Chris Loscalzo, noted ornithologist, Sat September 25, 2021 at Tidal Marsh Trail
The winners are in !
The North Haven Trail Association and the North Haven Camera Club announce the winning entries of the Tidal Marsh Trail Photo Contest from April - June 2021 . The 3 judges had a challenge looking at the dozens of great shots.
Juniors - (under age 19)
1st Place Juliana Fleischer Guilford, age 17 , “Osprey” $75 Prize
2nd Place Clarissa Kumar North Haven, age 14 $50 Prize
Seniors -
1st Place Ann Lombardi Guilford $75 Prize
2nd Place Dwayne Ellis North Haven, “Sunset by the Marsh” $50 Prize
The Tidal Marsh Trail (behind Target Store) is open. Many thanks to volunteers Michael Iaquinto, Sal Ferrigno, Nick Ferrigno, Walt Brockett (master treeman) and Anonymous who removed approx. 20 trees down from the of Tornado 8/20.
The Banton Quinnipiac Trail is open. The Spring Cleanup 4/17/21 is pictured above including Hannah Auddino, a junior at North Haven High School, founder and president of the Key Club, the high school branch of the Kiwanis Club.
Below is also Representative Dave Iaccarino (in truck) and members of the NHTA.

April 27, 2019

Marsh Marigold Walk with Mary Mushinsky April

National Trail Day
Bird Watches lead by noted ornithologist, Florence McBride, of the New Haven Bird Club in June 2013 and October 2014 were enjoyed by many.