The North Haven Trail Association is a non profit volunteer organization formed in 2007.
Our mission is to foster walking trails in North Haven and, if possible, create a linear park along the Quinnipiac River that ultimately can link up with Q River trails in Wallingford and Meriden. As with all such projects, securing the right of way is the challenge, and we are working actively to do so in multiple areas along the river. We are also involved with other trail projects.
We are most excited about the broad shimmering Tidal Marsh portion of the Quinnipiac River which is accessed behind the Target Store in North Haven near I-91 Exit 9. With the gracious assistance of The Town of North Haven, we posted 9 signs in 2015 that point the way. At the large sign and bench, just follow the river. Check out the photo section - gorgeous area with shore birds, view of Sleeping Giant, old railroad tracks and equipment !
Please note that our trail ends at the concrete bridge- tunnel ( graffiti on display). Railroad Property beyond is Private Property and you could be trespassing there. Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control the TRAIL IS CLOSED as of 3/31/24. We will be extending it however in the other direction toward the shopping mall soon.
In 2015 the NHTA assumed the maintenance of the Banton Street portion of the Quinnipiac River State Park- former Blue Trail System. This runs along the Q River near the Merritt Parkway service area north of Exit 63. It has an old road through a former housing area and a gentle hiking trail along the river. There is an old stone staircase down to the river, a beach & house foundations- interesting! Wonderful to visit, particularly with the April and May flowers and Fall foliage, when it is not too wet. The trail head is accessed by turning into Banton St. from State Street just north of Route 22. ( Service road for Exit 63 filling station). See the photo section which includes a Trail Map. Hunting is prohibited on Sunday. Wear bright colors for safety at all times.
We had to abandon our third trail behind the Cinemark Theater on Universal Drive because of downed trees from the tornado of August 2020 which obliterated the trail and further access is on hold.
We have now restored the trail behind the Chapman- Sinoway Pond off State St. just beyond Green Acres School. See Trail Map Section.
Trails provide a wonderful opportunity for walkers, hikers, cyclists, birders, photographers, nature lovers, kayakers, canoeists, fishers, outdoor people and fresh air breathers.
Trails are good for nearby businesses, real estate values, transportation, physical fitness, nature appreciation, youth projects and preservation of the environment. A recreational trail is a marvelous town and regional resource that we can all be proud of.

Target Store
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Who We Are

Grants and Awards
Officers 2024:
President: Steve Fontana
Vice President: Hugh Davis
Treasurer: Fran Notaro
Secretary: Mel Alpert
Board of Directors 2024:
Daka Djordjevic
Bryan Munson
Marge Quinn
Don Rocklin
Emeritus Directors : Sal Bonito, Ron Penton, Trish Nitshke
The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven- twice
Hamden Lodge of Elks
New Alliance Foundation
Quinnipiac River Fund Constellation's Constellation Community Champions Program